Monday, August 22, 2005

This is Honey, which any fool can eat...

Yes, that's about my favorite line from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

We started a batch of mead this weekend. Somewhere around fifteen pounds of honey in about five gallons of water, with a little Cote de Blank yeast thrown in to turn sugar into alcohol. Months will pass before our little yeast ranch runs its course, and it may be years more before the finished product is actually drinkable. There will be rackings and other intermediate steps to do, as well. As of this morning, the fermentation hasn't started off as it should; Fjorleif suspects that the yeast was too old and will be rehydrating and adding a new colony today.

We took pictures of the humble beginnings of the mead, and I'll try to post them in the next few days. Maybe a few of you will decide you want to give it a try yourselves...


Lord Runolfr said...

Fjorleif reported to me that she added some Premier Cuvee wine yeast to the batch this morning, resulting in a massive "yeast bloom". The fermentation is now well started.

Lord Runolfr said...

Pictures and details are available in my subsequent post.

Redbeard said...

Started a batch last weekend and it took four days to start fermenting.

Good luck with your batch!