This weekend, however, I created an Orc Rogue and a Night Elf Druid. Both of them are on Earthen Ring, so I can use my existing characters there to "twink" them without reservations. Gullveig, the Druid, isn't anywhere near a mailbox yet, as she's still working the beginner area quests, but Haokan sent Rakthogg, the Rogue, a bunch of bags and some improved armor.
I actually created Rakthogg first. He completed the quests in the orc starting area pretty quickly and moved on toward Razor Hill, as that's the closest settlement with an inn. There's a Troll community on the coast before you get to Razor Hill, and that's where he's doing most of his questing right now, but I always like to quit in an inn to accumulate "rest points" for my next time online. Anyway, he's sixth level, and he has already adopted the Herbalism and Alchemy professions.

As soon as Gullveig reaches Dolanaar, I should be able to find an inn (in fact, I have a quest to deliver a package to the inn there). An inn always has a mailbox, so Grimbor will be able to send her some bags and any other useful stuff he happens to have available. She'll probably take up Skinning and Leatherworking, since Grimbor needs a surprising amount of leather for Engineering projects.
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