Friday, May 06, 2005

Well, this may be a mistake, but...

I have changed the settings so you don't have to be a Blogger member to post comments. I now tremble in fear of being swamped with spam.


Lord Runolfr said...

Hmmm... my hit counter registered a bunch of visits this morning, and they're not all me. No comments, though. No spam either, so far. We shall see how it goes.

Lord Runolfr said...

So I track back the referrals on all those mysterious hits I got this morning, and what do I find? Most of them come from other Blogger sites. That's not inherently bad, but most of them aren't in English, and those that are have nothing in common with my topics, so I'm left wondering how they become referral sources. Probably webbots, if I had to guess. The people on those sites have no apparent interest in the SCA or WoW.

Anonymous said...

Nah, some sites post the RSS feeds from the blog aggregators...

But fear the spam, neophyte. Thou wilt be smitted.