Monday, April 25, 2005

And so the weekend ends...

The "Mile Long Yard Sale" was decidedly un-thrilling; we brought entirely to much stuff back with us (and no, we didn't buy anything). My good lady Fjorleif is currently working on getting rid of it through Freecycle so we don't have to put it back in storage. The day was cold, intermittently rainy, and pretty darn dull. I do have to compliment Denise, our hostess (our tent was set up in her yard) for making the day far less miserable by providing lunch and generally being very gracious.

All things considered, I would much rather have gone to Shadow of the Wolf (the Shire of Redewolfe's first event) on Saturday. I hear it was actually a rather good event, if small.

The panelling in the cabin is almost all finished up stairs. I also managed to squander a few hours playing World of Warcraft over the weekend. Escovar (mage) hit L10 and Darzun (paladin) reached L8. I've found it can be surprisingly difficult to give away equipment that I'm not going to use. I've still got a "green" axe that I'd like to give to a L5+ warrior somewhere, but I haven't been able to find one.

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