Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Fencing Class Expansion

Her Royal Majesty Ashildr returned to fencing practice this week. We'll be trying to make sure that she's ready to authorize before Gulf Wars in mid-March. She brought a couple of members of her entourage with her (who also came with her to Saltare at the end of January), and it looks like one of them will be taking up fencing as well. Needless to say, an expanding fencing group delights me to no end. I suspect that La Gran Companiya may be serving as the Queen's honor guard on the Gulf Wars battlefields instead of hiring out this year.

In related news, Her Majesty informed me that she'll be attending our dance classes, as well. If there's anything that could delight me more than additions to the fencing class, it's additions to the dance class.

On that note, my dance students seem to be taking their homework assignment seriously. Glee.

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