Monday, January 28, 2008

Food Porn: Hasenpfeffer

William and Juliana visited over the weekend to help me straighten the house and cut up some firewood, not to mention socialize a bit (we had a fine game of Order of the Stick – Juliana won). For dinner, we decided on something a little exotic, so we prepared Hasenpfeffer.

That's just a cell phone picture, but as I've said before, you work with what you've got.

For those familiar with neither the dish nor the Bugs Bunny cartoon, Hasenpfeffer is a braised rabbit dish, and a darned good one, too.

We used a recipe that Juliana and William found on the internet. I suspect that it would work almost as well with chicken, by the way.


Unknown said...

Where did you find your rabbit?

Lord Runolfr said...

Would you believe the local supermarket? Publix, if you have them up there.